Unis Vers 7 Arrivé

Unis Vers Sept Arrivé est une association loi 1901 fondée en 1998. Elle est née du désir de créer de nouvelles formes cinématographiques et faire découvrir de nouveaux talents. Elle s’attache aujourd’hui à la diffusion et à la promotion du cinéma fantastique, étrange et insolite.
Fantasy, the Fantastic, and cult films on the whole clearly constitute a form of expression that taps into imaginary, cultural and technical realms, which, in turn, give rise to a filmic language in a class all by itself. Unis Vers 7 Arrivé strives relentlessly to propel its initiatives, activities, screenings, encounters, and events into a new dimension, favoring a more thorough analysis of film and its idiosyncrasies.
Through its scope of action, Unis Vers 7 Arrivé has made a name for itself in the audiovisual and cinematic spheres as a resource non-profit with clear-cut and causal objectives. The Fantastic, strange and usual have given the non-profit the means with which to screen a variety of films and trigger exchange and debate between specialists and spectators. A special kind of cinema rooted in introspection arises from the non-profit’s quest to provide a value-enhancing, thought-provoking and ground-breaking offer to all. Unis Vers 7 Arrivé targets all audiences, including the general public, schools, both seasoned and aspiring professionals, and those with disabilities.
Court Métrange festival
In 2003, the non-profit created the International Strange and Unusual Fantasy Short Film Festival, Court Métrange.
The event offers a creative harbor for authors wherein to expose and endorse their ideas. With an irrefutable penchant for a different form of filmmaking, these motion picture partisans fascinate countless audiences, the latter of whom paradoxically struggle to reap the same attention.
The purpose of the Court Métrange Festival is, ultimately, threefold, boasting: a place to screen, a place to scream, letting its "cult" shorts thrive, and a place whose limitless resources endeavor to not only emphasize the credentials of those having fought to make Fantasy film what it is today, but also attribute to them what is rightfully theirs. Court Métrange has become crucial not only in putting back on the radar screen the artistic and cultural value in a certain category of works, but also in breaking down barriers between film genres.
Sole member specializing in short films of the renowned European Fantastic Film Festival and CNC Category 1 Festival, Court Métrange is, in a way, a rite of passage for some authors in the quest for validation of their work with their sights set on becoming the directors of tomorrow. As a result, it is unrivaled, and plays an influential role on the short film scene in Europe.
Le premier projet à l’origine UV7A :
Looking for Woody, Christophe Lorion, Brice Notin, Hélène Guinand, Stéphane Pachot, Bruno Joly, Eugénie Bourdeau, Steven Pravong, 1999, 15’16
Artistically agile, film communicates in a number of languages. The Fantastic is one of them. Court Métrange has chosen to hand over the mic and screen to those who share the same speak. For Fantasy filmmakers, this moment with their audiences is invaluable. Theaters teeming with fans and backing from a significant part of the profession have, in turn, legitimized the festival in its entirety. The enthusiasm and support from the teaching community and the active involvement of its student population in the educational and cultural initiatives organized by the festival come full circle with the idea that Fantastic films are a formidable breeding ground for culture and reflection.
Alongside its screenings, the Festival also strives to open up channels for exchange between film and other creative disciplines in order to broaden and boost the manner in which the "Fantastic image" materializes. Every year, conferences, exhibits, music, encounters, and debates round out the Court Métrange agenda.
Unis Vers 7 Arrivé and Court Métrange are not only about screening shorts during the festival, but also doing so at other times, in other places, and in other theaters: Métrange Screen-and-Scream. Needless to say that these works, whose viewing potential has been seriously compromised, have never been more in need of creative alternatives, enabling them to rise above the bounds of the event.
L’association a donc rendu itinérantes les séances concoctées pour le festival afin de rendre sa programmation accessible à tous les publics. Cette initiative s’inscrit également dans une volonté d’investir de nouveaux territoires, notamment ceux où les publics bénéficient d’une offre culturelle moins importante et où les publics sont les plus éloignés de la culture. Pour cela, des séances thématiques de courts métrages fantastiques, des longs métrages, des ateliers, des conférences, des rencontres, des partenariats sont proposés durant toute l’année par l’associaiton.