(Super) Short Métrange
from September 30th to October 11th - Rennes
(Super) Short Métrange
Thanks to all those who accompanied, supported and helped us in this strange period and of course to the public for having responded in such great numbers.
You were all very numerous to follow the events, in spite of the reduced gauge, some cancellations and the strict application of the sanitary protocols, Court Métrange has still made the beautiful part to the fantastic. Screenings, exhibits, meetings and unusual appointments, back on the 2020 program…
ÉDITO 2020
A force to be reckoned with, one whose rampant ravenousness to give life a dreadful run for its money, has taken cultural events by storm, and far be it from Court Métrange’s intentions to fall into oblivion. Resist = exist*.
Like a splendiferous voyage in time, these lines emerge from a not-so-distant past whose current state of affairs the world over is unknown. Return of the masked villain or a happy-ever-after ending to the pandemic? By the time you get this, you’ll know more than we do. You will have caught on that the festival format has not only been condensed, but also toned down a notch or two in terms of the customary offer that has given rise to the cosmic stardom it has come to know today. Keeping our audiences and team out of harm’s way is our only concern at this time. We believe that the willies are ripe for the pickin’ when viewed on the silver screen.
You had a funny feeling, so all this really shouldn’t come as a surprise. But don’t you worry. Our reels for next year’s 17th edition are ready, loaded and lying in wait. Come 2021, the spine-chilling spread promises to be something of the wicked kind when we find the POTUS blubbering away in his silk hanky with a stunned look on his face and Renaud’s guitar a decorative relic adorning the walls of some museum (…about time).
So, it’s with a semi-schmaltzy bout of nostalgia that we feast our phantasmagorically-famished eyes on a few of the most memorable moments from competitions of ghosts past during this year’s Best-Of screenings – a perfect occasion wherein to forge relations with other well-known non-profits and culture-thirsty organizations. As a result of the you-know-what, we’ve had to rethink the screen, and deviate from more mainstream projection means – also the perfect occasion wherein to introduce you to our partner, Shadowz, whose "screaming" platform is not for the faint of heart.
Among the festival’s highlights is the Rennes Opera House, inviting you on a guided tour backstage and into a diabolically-puzzling labyrinth of twists and turns known only to a select few. Caution: With spooks on the loose, be they onscreen or off, the tour is haunted and the supernatural both ominous and present with a ghastly gift for making itself known… and felt. A moment not to miss, plunging visitors into the most riveting recesses of one of Rennes’s most emblematic landmarks.
The Champs Libres will be opening its doors for a collective take on Chris Marker’s La Jetée and "the world thereafter" (rather ironic). Alongside the Musée de Bretagne, we will be probing the realm of druid healers, and invite you to take part in one of the famous Brittan’Eeek! tours. The Maison Internationale de Rennes will house the "Very Compendiary – Yet Incendiary – Exhibit" organized by those who do it best at Court Métrange.
In these troubled times, a heaping spoonful of stupefaction and a hearty helping of make-believe isn’t all that much to ask. Fight, if you must, but not the urge.
Steven Pravong
Festival President and Co-Founder
* this sentence does not make any allusion to Jean-Paul Sartre’s other half.