Parcours Jeune Publics
Young audiences today come across Dark Fantasy more often than not. Movies, comics and video games are the most common gateways, luring these phantasmic-furious souls even more into these irresistibly-addicting haunts.
Given this reality, it is paramount for the Unis Vers 7 Arrivé non-profit to make available avenues worth exploring on the thought processes underlying the conception and evolution of the symbols and their significance embodying the Fantastic and Dark Fantasy spheres, enabling school audiences to adopt a more analytical perception of these realms they encounter on a daily basis.
Our unprecedented academic and cultural itinerary in Rennes also offers each student, whether in elementary, middle or high school, the chance to actively participate in the festival’s artistic agenda.
Each year, teachers are given a guide to help them foster and further discussion in their classrooms on the themes and questions arising during the festival.
For (Super) Short Métrange’s 2020 edition, the Young Audiences Eye-Tinerary will be taking its Screen-and-Scream show on the road to showcase its offer directly within schools.

Concours The Review 6
Concours de courts métrages insolites et fantastiques réalisés individuellement, en groupes ou en classe et qui s’adressent aux jeunes talents !
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