Métrange Eye-Tinerary
Le Parcours Métrange accompagne les compétitions du festival depuis de nombreuses années. Alliant conférences, expositions, long métrages, rendez-vous insolites et rencontres, il est le pendant réflexif des projections de courts métrages en proposant un regard approfondi sur l’image fantastique et le cinéma de genre.
Event lineup
Freak Shows
What would Court Métrange be if the weird were a no-show? This year has its share of novel and enigmatic events on the agenda to help you get your form-filled cut of funky and Fantastic.
Conferences and Encounters
Film analyzes, hypothesizes, scrutinizes, and dichotomizes! Each year, a series of encounters and conferences takes on the festival’s themes, offering a wide-angle perspective into an eclectic expanse of stances on what creation is all about.
To broaden the dialogue between the Fine Arts and film, Court Métrange has been offering its followers since 2013 art exhibits that fuse the futuristic, fantastic and forward-thinking, giving artists free rein, whatever their creative discipline may be, to contemplate and question what Fantasy entails and embodies.