Les Partenaires 2023

The Court Métrange Festival is today a cultural event not to be missed in the city of Rennes and in the region of Brittany. It has become a prestigious place of recognition on a national and international scale for short films.

None of this would be possible without the support of our partners.


Partenaires institutionnels

Partenaires Médias

Partenaires Artistiques

Partenaires Privés

Our partners are one of the major pillars of Court Métrange's existence.

To become a partner or a sponsor of Court Métrange is to engage in the recognition of the cinema as an art, to invest in the artistic education, to value the culture on the territory.

As a noteworthy non-profit, general interest organization under the law of 1901, Unis Vers 7 Arrivé is authorized to receive donations.

More informations : direction.courtmetrange@gmail.com

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