Métrange Eye-Tinerary
The Métrange Eye-Tinerary has been the festival’s loyal sidekick at all of its competitions for the past several years. A bustling hub of conferences, exhibits, freakish events, and encounters, it is screening’s more introspective twin, providing opportunities wherein to further reflect on the pictorialization of Fantasy and cult films.

To broaden the dialogue between the Fine Arts and film, Court Métrange has been offering its followers since 2013 art exhibits that fuse the futuristic, fantastic and forward-thinking, giving artists free rein, whatever their creative discipline may be, to contemplate and question what Fantasy entails and embodies.
Film analyzes, hypothesizes, scrutinizes, and dichotomizes! Each year, a series of encounters and conferences takes on the festival’s themes, offering a wide-angle perspective into an eclectic expanse of stances on what creation is all about.

The Far-Pitched
Wherever would Court Métrange be without its Mephistophelian mannerisms? An answer won’t be needed because each year has in store its share of creepiness crawling out of the woodwork.