The jury 2023
ESTELLE FAYE – Présidente
Estelle Faye a été comédienne, a dirigé une troupe de théâtre et est diplômée de la Sorbonne en Lettres Modernes ( DEA) ainsi que d’une école de cinéma (la FEMIS) en scénario. Aujourd’hui, elle se consacre avant tout à l’écriture. Elle est autrice de romans et nouvelles, en adulte et jeunesse, dans divers genres de l’Imaginaire. Elle a reçu une vingtaine de prix littéraires, dont trois prix Imaginales, deux prix Elbakin, un prix ActuSF de l’Uchronie, trois prix Rosny aîné, un prix Bob Morane… Parmi ses dernières sorties, on trouve une nouvelle dans une anthologie d’horreur, qu’elle a également co-dirigée (Nous parlons depuis les ténèbres, éditions Goater), un thriller surnaturel historique flirtant aussi avec l’horrifique ( Widjigo, éditions Albin Michel), un roman noir pour adolescents dans le Hollywood des années trente ( Hollywood Monsters, coécrit avec Fabien Legeron, éditions Gulf Stream), un roman Young Adult revisitant les mythes grecs ( La Dernière Amazone, édition Rageot).
Par ailleurs, elle réalise des courts-métrages.

Gautier Réjou devient chargé de communication pour les chaînes d’informations internationales BBC Wolrd News et NHK World TV, après des études supérieures en Histoire de l’Art et quatre années passées dans un cabinet d’études marketing média à Londres. En 2012, il rejoint le Pôle court-métrage de France Télévisions comme Conseiller de programmes, notamment sur les émissions Histoires courtes et Libre Court.
Parallèlement, il s’occupe du suivi et de la communication de projets pour le Cinéma, les acquisitions séries étrangères et la fiction internationale.
Gautier Réjou remet le prix France télévision à l’un des courts métrages en compétition.
For the past 10 years, Camille Ferrero has devoted herself to forging global relationships and partnerships in the film industry proving, border after border, that Man-made barriers are meant to be broken down and that it truly is "…a small world after all." From her base in Brittany, she currently heads up International Relations for the European Film Lab, Le Groupe Ouest, and advocates author-driven film projects, helping them to spread their wings internationally in co-production with Les Films du Clan. Other undertakings have included coordinating the lineup for the French Institute’s Fabrique Cinéma at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as Films en Bretagne’s film residency known as Estran, and professional networking events at the Paris Courts Devant international festival.

Project Manager for screaming platform Shadowz, Aurélien, along with a horde of cold sweat-hankering cognoscenti, handles the programming, editorial and public relations for this SVOD offer devoted entirely to cult film. He earned his stripes at Mad Movies, and wherever horror moors, you will find him docked and decked to share his insatiable appetite for off-course films, and dead set on going full throttle to lure viewers into the throes of the unintelligible, the unimaginable, and the unfamiliar...again. Aurélien Zimmermann will be presenting the Shadowz Award to one of the short films in competition
ENSAPC (Paris-Cergy School of Art and Design)-trained plastic artist and French-American screenwriter/filmmaker, Stef Meyer kicked off her career in experimental film before moving on to music videos with Pascal Bourelier. The duo put together more than a dozen clips, one of which being "Le Manège" for November Ultra, before saying a quick prayer as she jumped off the deep end in 2021 with Mantra, the first short to tackle radicality head-on in both form and content. Its presence in the lineups of film festivals around the world, including Gérardmer, Court Métrange, Tampere, and Toronto After Dark just to name a few, has enabled Stef to take her upcoming project, Biocide, to new heights (and deaths) in an eco-horror-proof, killer cocktail dosed to a tee, offering a savvy blend of ecological fable and atmospheric horror bound to shake and stir. In the time remaining, she is busy putting the finishing touches on her first self-financed feature film entitled Landfall, working on a short-to-long adaptation of Mantra, and plotting another short, this time with Rémy Barbe, entitled Même La Lune Saignera, backed by audiovisual production company Okayss.

François Marache studied Editing at the Belgian National Institute of Film and Drama (Insas) in Brussels. With the realms of John Waters’s work as his cinematic mentors, he went on to direct two short films in 2004, the first of which was Bas/Nana/Split followed by Nana! Again. In 2005, he organized, for the first time ever, a session uniting lesser-known, independent gems in a short-and-sweet-and-sour version affectionately referred to as Courts Mais Trash (…or if you prefer, Sloppy Seconds or, brace yourselves, Cut to the Boner). The term "trash" may also be interpreted as that which is alternative, political, cheap, or simply off the wall. François is its founder, programmer, and head honcho.
From its modest beginnings as a so-nonsense film club, the festival has transmogrified considerably, and now takes place over six (6) days, featuring around a hundred self-produced, international shorts. It has become the event not to be circumvented on the Brussels underground film scene, attracting over 4,000 film enthusiasts.
Writer/Director and Founder of the Films de la Mouche collective, Rémy’s career took flight in 2014 alongside Joséphine Darcy Hopkins and Joseph Bouquin with whom he made over a dozen genre short films. An "Indie"- and Arthouse-bottle-fed buff, he was granted the Grand Prize in Short Film at the Gérardmer Film Festival in 2018 for his end-of-year film entitled And the Devil Laughs with Me, which led to screenings in over 40 theaters worldwide before becoming one of the first shorts to cut a deal with Shadowz. In 2021, (still) crushed and bitter, Rémy strikes again, this time with Tasteful Love, a surrealistic love story gone bad that earned him the People’s Award at the Étrange Festival and Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF), as well as the Grand Prize at Court Métrange. He is currently hard at work on his first feature-length film entitled Bête Noire, as well as on a short film together with Stef Meyer entitled Même La Lune Saignera backed by Okayss. When not behind the camera, Rémy lets loose as frontman and vocalist of Noise-Punk/Hardcore band Vautours, and co-founded Merci Satan !, a French DIY label and art agency.

Les jurés des prix exceptionnels

Thierry Lounas is producer, distributor and editor at Capricci. He also heads up the Wild West production company, co-founded with Wild Bunch, dedicated entirely to cult film. He also founded the Sofilm magazine devoted to cinema, as well as the Sofilm Summercamp Festival. At Court Métrange, he will be presenting both Sofilm Awards.
Pour Court Métrange, il remet les deux prix Sofilm.
Nicolas Martin is a journalist, radio host and producer, screenwriter, and filmmaker. Since 2010, he has made three (3) short films and a number of music videos. Author of several short stories put in print by independent Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Fantastic publisher ActuSF, he also co-authored the collective work, Alien, la Xénographie. He heads up the Hurlequin film club in Paris, and participates in the Réalisé Sans Trucage podcast. He and Simon Riaux have joined forces on a horror feature film project currently in pre-production. At the Court Métrange Festival, he will be presenting the Hurlequin Award. Alien Xénographie. Il est également directeur du ciné-club L’Hurlequin à Paris et participe au podcast Réalisé sans trucage. Avec Simon Riaux, il travaille actuellement sur un long métrage d’horreur en pré-production.
Pour le Festival Court Métrange, il remet le prix L’Hurlequin.

Les Prix Court Métrange
Attributed to Best Director in international competition, award compensation takes the form of audiovisual benefits. The Arwestud company is offering half off on filmmaking equipment, lighting and camera and lens rental for the director’s next film, and half off in the post- production phase on editing, color grading and DCP releases.
The Nomade Production company is offering half off in the post-production phase on sound editing and mixing.
A Court Métrange trophy designed by artist Patrice "Pit" Hubert will also be presented at this time.
Court Métrange is a member of the prestigious European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (EFFFF). The Méliès d’Argent is attributed to Best Short Film in European competition with a maximum length of 25 minutes. As such, the winning film is also in competition for the Méliès d’Or whose ceremony will take place at one of the Federation’s member festivals.
A Court Métrange trophy designed by artist Patrice "Pit" Hubert will also be presented at this time.
This award is attributed to one of the short films in international competition. The winning film will be shown exclusively on France 2 as part of the "Histoires Courtes" program.
Based on audience voting, this award is attributed to Best Film from the Horny, Porny, Miney, Moe screening on Saturday night at 9:30 pm.
A Court Métrange trophy designed by artist Patrice "Pit" Hubert will also be presented at this time.
Young audiences (elementary, junior high and high schools) are also invited to designate their winning film during the Young Audiences screenings.
This award is attributed to one of the short films in international competition. The winning film will be shown on the Shadowz platform, France’s top name in streamed screams.
Court Métrange propose chaque année le concours The Review adressé aux réalisateur·ices en herbe de 12 à 25 ans. Trois prix sont remis lors de ce concours par un jury de professionnel·les.
The Sofilm Awards
Sofilm is a monthly French film magazine. Its residencies have given rise to a think tank for broad-spectrum, film genre development and production, including the categories of thriller, detective, Sci-Fi, dystopian, adventure, and comedy), enabling young filmmakers and French or foreign screenwriters the chance to expose their vision of contemporary genre cinema in line with the major shifts having impacted our world.
The Hurlequin Award
Remis par Nicolas Martin, le film lauréat sera projeté en avant-séance lors du Club Hurlequin au cinéma L’Arlequin à Paris (salle du réseau Dulac Cinémas).
The Benshi Award
This year, the Benshi Young Audiences platform will be granting a Coup de Cœur Award for its favorite short among those in competition in the Young Audiences category.
Court Métrange is ranked as a Category 1 festival at the French National Center for Cinematography and Motion Pictures.